Types of Risk in Financial Institutions

sonal gupta

Risk is a common aspect in financial markets and can come from many sources. These include market, liquidity, and credit risks. Market risk arises from the change in prices of financial instruments like stocks and bonds. It can also be due to changes in interest rates or exchange rates. Credit […]

Types of Budget Risk

sonal gupta

A company’s budget can become a victim of project risks. These can include scope creep, damage to deliverables and other factors that deviate from original estimates. There are a number of tools available to help businesses build risk budgets. These can include investor-facing software that aligns risk tolerance with portfolio […]

Types of Financial Risks in Healthcare

sonal gupta

In systems with purchaser-provider splits, contract terms for financial risk allocation are negotiated. The objective of this paper is to study the determinants of these contractual arrangements. We use data from the China Family Panel Studies. We find that healthcare utilisation is influenced by medical insurance and family health financial […]

Types of Risk in International Finance

sonal gupta

International finance is an essential tool for businesses to grow and expand. However, there are many risks involved in this type of financing. Some of these include foreign exchange risk, legal risk and financial risk. Foreign exchange risk is the change in the real domestic currency value of assets, liabilities […]

How to Save Money For a House


When saving for a down payment for a house, it’s important to consider all of your monthly expenses. Cutting out unnecessary ones can free up extra money for your down payment fund. Some of your largest expenses include transportation, housing, and food. By cutting back on these, you’ll have a […]

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